South Carolina Debate Conclusion

I watched the 1st GOP debate at And from a strategic standpoint…

Herman Cain won!

2nd Place: Tim Pawlenty played his normal strong self, but he goofed. He ended his closing spiel with his website info, as if this was an ad!  More importantly, up against Cain and Paul, he looked like an actor.

3rd Place: Rick Santorum

Former Congressman Santorum was able to draw Congressman  Paul  into a skirmish about water-boarding between moderator questions. Ron was only able to get out: “Not true. Not true.” While Rick took the opportunity to give a sound rebuttal to Paul’s position.

Ron Paul gets a point for the laugh he got when answering a question about Michelle Bachmann. Had she eclipsed him as the leader of the Tea Party movement: “Well, she’s not here tonight, so she hasn’t.” *

After the debate, an undraft Gary Johnson movement began on twitter. It was only half in jest.

Although the media mostly mentions Tim Pawlenty’s responses, a cut away to the Governor of South Carolina’s  glowing reaction to both Pawlenty and Cain sent the message: Herman Cain is at least Pawlenty’s eqaul.

Until the next one!

– Trent

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